Best of The Imperfect Muslimah 2017

theimperfectmuslimah Best of The Imperfect Muslimah

2017 has been a wonderful year filled with tons of writing. To celebrate that, I’ve chosen to take the time to highlight five of my favourite posts. These aren’t necessarily posts that are the most popular, but they’re all posts that I adored writing.

So, in no particular order, these are my five best blog posts of 2017:

1. Thank You

theimperfectmuslimah Thank You

When I wrote this post, I was thinking about some pretty awful people and the terrible things that come out of people’s mouths sometimes. After some time, I realized that none of what they’d done had truly affected me in any meaningful way besides to make me even more determined (I’m pig-headed, I’ve grown to accept it). So, I wrote this post because I wanted to thank all those people who tried to bring me down and just didn’t succeed at all.

2. Writing

theimperfectmuslimah Writing

I love writing so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I loved writing about writing. This post was a really fun one. I remember typing it out and adoring the way it flowed, the ease with which I was able to express myself about one of my favourite things in the world. This post was to try and explain the joy I feel when I write but honestly, it’s only just scratched the surface.

3. Coping Mechanisms


This is a fairly new post and many may not have seen it since I didn’t actually write it for this blog (is that cheating?). I’ve been a feature writer for Muslimah Bloggers since May and this was my December contribution to them. I wrote this post after chatting to a lovely friend about her coping mechanisms and sharing my own and then realizing that sharing coping mechanisms is a lovely thing to do so I may as well write a blog post about it and share even more.

4. An Open Letter to My Future Self

theimperfectmuslimah An Open Letter to my Future Self

This is a bit of a different post to the rest of these. It was a hard post to write – I remember having to wipe my eyes in the middle of it. But I still love it dearly because remembering the space I was in when I wrote it makes me even more grateful for the progress I’ve made in the few short months since it was penned.

5. Home


I loved the emotion in this post. It came to me quite spur of the moment and I just had to pen it down. It’s one of my favourite posts and I really do think it’s decently written as well.

There are some other lovely people doing this same post and I invite you to go check them out! These are some of the best posts by Muslimah Bloggers around the globe.


Ilm Student Central

The Lady of the House

Afreen’s Kitchen

By Shahira


A Crafty Arab

Multicultural Motherhood

Ilma Education

Umm Afraz Muhammed

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